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2024-04-29 10:52:25 来源:陵园文学 点击:2
1、众芳摇落独暄妍,占尽风情向小园。——林逋 All the fangs shake down alone Xuan Yan, occupy the amorous feelings to the small garden. 2、万物迎春送残腊,一年结局在今宵。——戴复古 All things in spring send residual wax, the end of the year tonight. 3、遥知独听灯前雨,转忆同看雪后山。——纳兰性德 Far away, I hear the rain before the lamp, and I remember watching the snow behind the mountain. 4、清晨入古寺,初日明高林。——常建 Early morning into the ancient temple, early Ming Gaolin. 5、没有理想的人像晕头鸡。——缅甸谚语 No ideal man is like a sick chicken. 6、后夜相思,尘随马去,月逐舟行。——刘过 After the night of Acacia, dust with the horse, the moon by boat line. 7、人生而自由,但无往不在枷锁之中。——卢梭 Life is free, but everything is in chains. 8、知章骑马似乘船,眼花落井水底眠。——杜甫 Zhizhang rides a horse like a boat, his eyes fall into the well and sleep at the bottom of the water. 9、轩冕而敬,伪也。匿就而爱,私也。——曾国藩 Xuan crown and respect, false also. To love with concealment is private. 10、功有所不全,力有所不任,才有所不足。——宋濂 Only when one's work is not complete, and one's strength is not responsible, can there be inadequacy. 11、高价买诚实,永远也值得。——谚语 Honesty is always worth the price. 12、民不畏死,奈何以死惧之。——道德经 The people are not afraid of death. How can they fear death. 13、没有比害怕本身更可害怕的了。——培根 There is nothing more to fear than fear itself. 14、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。——英国 Self confidence and self reliance are strong pillars. 15、终南阴岭秀,积雪浮云端。——祖咏 Zhongnan Yinling show, snow floating clouds. 16、青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。——辛弃疾 The green mountains can't cover it. After all, it flows eastward. 17、知识犹如人体的血液一样宝贵。——高士其 Knowledge is as precious as the blood of the human body. 18、人生有情泪沾臆,江水江花岂终极!——杜甫 Life is full of love and tears, river water and flower is not the ultimate! 19、前村后垄桑柘深,东邻西舍无相侵。——贯休 There are deep mulberry trees in the front village and the back ridge. 20、可怜九月初三夜,露似真珠月似弓。——白居易 On the third night of the third day of September, the dew is like a pearl and the moon is like a bow. 21、身体健康者常年轻。——马尔夫特 Healthy people are often young. 22、笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。——杜甫 Writing down the wind and rain, poetry into tears of ghosts and gods. 23、书籍是全世界的营养品。——莎士比亚 Books are the nutrition of the world. 24、目断秋霄落雁,醉来时响空弦。——辛弃疾 The eye breaks the autumn sky, and the wild geese fall in the sky. 25、会得离人无限意,千丝万絮惹春风。——郑谷 Will leave infinite meaning, thousands of silk million Xu make spring breeze. 26、教学必须从学习者已有的经验开始。——杜威 Teaching must begin with the learners' experience. 27、回首故山千里外,别离心绪向谁言?——杨徽之 Looking back on the old mountain thousands of miles away, who do you want to say goodbye? 28、一个人没有朋友,就像生活里没有阳光。——苏联 A person without friends is like life without sunshine. 29、斜阳照墟落,穷巷牛羊归。——王维 The setting sun shines on the ruins, and cattle and sheep return to the poor lane. 30、真理是永远蒙蔽不了的。——莎士比亚 Truth can never be blinded. 31、人类心灵需要理想甚于需要物质。——雨果 The human mind needs ideals more than matter. 32、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。——陈寿 Don't take evil as small as possible, don't do good with little. 33、草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。——高鼎 The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows and willows are drunk in spring smoke. 34、扁舟昨泊,危亭孤啸,目断闲云千里。——吴潜 When the boat was moored yesterday, the Wei pavilion was howling alone, and the eyes were broken and the clouds were thousands of miles away. 35、圣贤成大事者,皆从战战兢兢之心来。——曾国藩 The sages who succeed in great things come from the heart of trembling. 36、成功由大量的失望铸就。——肖伯纳 Success is built by a lot of disappointment. 37、仓禀无宿储,徭役犹未已。——韦应物 Cang had no savings and had no corvee. 38、算韶华,又因循过了,清明时候。——王雱 Calculate Shaohua, and follow the past, Qingming time. 39、风雨端阳生晦冥,汨罗无处吊英灵。——贝琼 The wind and rain Dragon Boat sun lives gloomy, Miluo has no place to hang the hero. 40、顽强这就是作家技能的秘密。——杰克·伦敦 Tenacity is the secret of a writer's skill. 41、三分春色描来易,一段伤心画出难。——汤显祖 It's easy to describe the spring scenery in three minutes, but it's difficult to draw a section of sadness. 42、我们的报酬取决于我们所做出的贡献。——韦特莱 Our reward depends on the contribution we make. 43、持斧伐远扬,荷锄觇泉脉。——王维 With an axe, the lotus hoes the spring. 44、人要为善,先要明善始得。——曾国藩 If a man wants to be good, he must know the good before he gets it. 45、秋声带叶萧萧落,莫响城头角!——董士锡 Autumn vocal cord leaves Xiao Xiao fall, Mo Xiang City head corner! 46、山雪河冰野萧瑟,青是烽烟白人骨。——杜甫 The mountains and rivers are bleak, and the green is the white bones of the beacon smoke. 47、半生已分孤眠过,山枕檀痕涴。——纳兰性德 Half a life has been separated from sleep, sandalwood traces on the mountain pillow. 48、十年驱驰海色寒,孤臣于此望宸銮。——戚继光 Ten years drive away the sea color cold, solitary minister in this Wang Chen Luan. 49、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。——唐寅 When you look at the sky at dawn and clouds at dusk, you will miss you when you are walking or sitting. 50、城边有古树,日夕连秋声。——李白 There are ancient trees on the edge of the city. 51、夜深知雪重,时闻折竹声。——白居易 The snow is heavy at night, and the sound of bamboo folding is heard. 52、耐心和恒心总会得到报酬的。——爱因斯坦 Patience and perseverance will always be rewarded. 53、对秋深,离恨苦,数夜满庭风雨。——孙光宪 Deep autumn, from hate bitter, night full of wind and rain. 54、风乍起,吹皱一池春水。——冯延巳 The wind suddenly rises, wrinkling a pool of spring water. 55、草秀故春色,梅艳昔年妆。——李世民 The grass shows the spring color, and Mei Yan used to make up in the past. 56、不成心专一事,决不能达成一志。——道元 If you don't concentrate on one thing, you can never achieve one goal. 57、伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 Great cause needs unswerving spirit. 58、朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵—日还。——李白 During the reign of the White Emperor, the mausoleum of a thousand li River returns to the sun. 59、门外平桥连柳堤,归来晚树黄莺啼。——温庭筠 Outside the gate, the bridge connects with the willow dike, and the tree warbler crows in the evening. 60、思想像胡须,不成熟就不可能长出来。——伏尔泰 Thought is like a beard, it cannot grow without maturity.




